Monday, August 20, 2012


I love sewing, just the calmness of sitting and creating something is really appealing to me.  I used to cross stitch, I really loved that.  But then we had kids, so that was something that I couldn't just sit and do for hours.  Things had to be taken care of.  I'm slowly working my way back into all the fun crafts that I used to do, especially sewing.

Now it is my daughters turn to learn and so with the help of her grandmother they are bonding and sewing together.  It is something that my mother taught me and now my daughter will learn as well.  I hope that it will bring them closer together, for my mothers sake.  She has never been the "traditional" grandmother type.  I am no where near as good of a seamstress as my mother.  She began sewing by hand first and then on a machine.  She was the greatest and sewed all of us girls clothes.  

I have made dolls when I was little sewing by hand out of old sheets that my mother didn't need anymore.  And some even of old nylons that my mother had discarded.  Crocheting clothes for them or sewing them out of discarded material leftover from a dress or shirt that my mother had made for one of us.  I had so much fun making my own things to play with.  I wish I would have taught my daughter a little earlier, but they want for so little these days. Most of my creations were out of necessity because we didn't have a lot of money.  But we still always had a good time.

Circa 1970-1973

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